Six years in the making...


In the summer of 2008, Emily met David on the first day of her first real job… as a designer at an advertising agency in downtown Chicago. David, also a designer, impressed Emily with his talent and sarcasm.  By that October (10/10 to be exact), their friendship was something more. 

On October 19th, 2013, after 5 years full of wonderful and new experiences togetherraising Bananas (the most adorable puppy in the world), several trips to their favorite beach in Tulum, Mexico where they released the tiniest baby sea turtles into the ocean, and being exposed to new traditions by spending time with each others amazing families—David took Emily to an orchard. 

Fall had always been her favorite season… the crisp air that smells of firewood, the amber leaves, the time of year when honey crisp apples and pumpkin spice lattes were finally available again (please note: David hates all things pumpkin spice flavored). But beyond all of those things, fall was always a reminder of when their relationship first began.

After a lucky ending to a desperate last minute search for an orchard that allowed Bananas, the entire Vaca/Bentrup family was on their way to Wisconsin to pick pumpkins and apples. Walking the tree lined paths in search of the best looking apples, David kept trying to steer Emily to somewhere away from the rest of the apple pickers. "I saw some really red apples over this way." Emily and Bananas were clueless. But then Emily saw the Honey Crisp row and started running for it. Bananas right behind her, of course. David knew it was the perfect time to pull out the little box from his coat pocket. In pure shock and hysterical tears, Emily said yes.

On October 10th, 2014, they celebrated their 6 year anniversary by exchanging vows and becoming husband and wife. 


Photos captured on the day of their engagement by Emily and David.